美国MVE经典型液氮罐SC 8/5的详细资料:
美国MVE经典型液氮罐SC 8/5 介绍如下:
MVE offers the widest range of compact aluminum storage tanks available on the market today. Over the past 50 years, our product designs have improved through end-user input and evolved into a unique selection of units. The SC Series is designed for the user who has small capacity needs, but re- quires long-term storage and low liquid nitrogen consumption in a convenient lightweight package.
美国MVE经典型液氮罐SC 8/5 的结构:
2厂家 MVE
3、 产品特点:配有锁盖,以保护容器内贮存的样品的安全
4.1型号: SC8/5
4.2 几何容积:8.4升
4.3 静态液氮日蒸发量(升/天) 0.15
4.4 满重 5.3Kg
4.5 颈管直径:55mm
4.6 外径: 260mm
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