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How Is Maida Made: Milling Magic

In this post, we are going to share detailed information about how is Maida made in a factory. The majority of the Maida’s vital nutrients are removed during the refining process. It is essentially left as an empty calorie warehouse with no nutritional benefit. Our bodies find Maida difficult to digest since it loses 97% of the fiber found in wheat. In the long run, this could slow down metabolism and restrict the digestive system, leading to constipation and even weight gain. The growth of beneficial bacteria may also be inhibited by it due to its stickiness. Regular consumption of Maida is likely to hurt the intestines and adrenal glands, considerably weakening our immune system. Therefore, Maida has no potential advantages to give because it contains only toxic compounds and has no nutritional value. How Is Maida Made


How Is Maida Made

Let’s now examine the steps that make up the process of manufacturing Maida.

Step 1:

The batch of wheat grains first passes through several filtering devices. It helps in removing the husk, stones, and dust from this batch.

Step 2:

As the filters have cleaned the grains, the process moves on to the next phase. Here, the systems use water to wash the tempered grains and separate the endosperm from the bran.

Step 3:

The bran passes through the break rollers as the endosperm separates from it. Because of the grinding action there, the endosperm becomes a fine powder. The wheat grains break down into flour, coarse particles, and intermediate particles throughout numerous stages.

Step 4:

The intermediate particles pass via the reduction rollers in step four.    This procedure helps in transforming these pieces into fine flour.

Step 5:

The final step is sifting, sometimes known as filtering in layman’s terms. Here, sifters separate the flour from the other particles as it travels through them. This procedure is repeated numerous times until all of the endosperms are converted to flour. And that is how the endosperms are processed to create maida.

Note: Although each mill setup might vary the previously mentioned processes and working procedure, the basic idea is the same across all systems.

How Maida Is Made

For the creation of bread and other baked goods, flour is a necessary ingredient. It is a fine powder made of several types of grains. Although wheat flour is the type most frequently used indoors. In many food products, flour is one of the ingredients. However, bread and biscuits are mostly made using it.

Grain cleaning

In the first example, the grain gets combined with various types of dirt and other items. With the use of a machine, all of this must be eliminated. During this procedure, additional grains like barley, oats, and other plant elements are also taken out of the grain. Air currents are utilized to remove all the husks and dust from the wheat kernels during the cleaning process.


Once cleaned, the grain conditioner is washed with water to soften the grain’s bran-like outer covering. This makes it simple to simply extract the grain’s endosperm during the milling process.


The process of grinding, which creates flour, enables the blending of various types of wheat. To increase the amount of flour protein produced at this stage, businesses occasionally add wheat flour.

Wheat milling

  • This is how wheat kernels become divided. In the mill, wheat grains are rolled, crushed, and rolled again to create flour, which is a powder. Wheat kernels are pushed to open rather than being crushed as they move between revolving flute rolls.
  • This makes it possible to separate the outer layers of this kernel from its interior, white portion. By using several types of drivers, certain parts of the kernel are isolated. These saves are set up in many locations in a complicated configuration. As the grain moves through the rolls, the white inner endosperm is finally gathered and transformed into a white, powdery material known as flour.
  • Sometimes it’s necessary to use the second cycle of brake rolls to separate the dense bran that is stuck to the endosperm. Up until the wheat germ and bran are completely separated, the procedure can be done multiple times. When white flour and wheat are mixed for the first time, the amount of flour bran particles increases.

What Is Maida Made of

  • Have you ever thought about how is maida made? As the name all-purpose refined flour suggests, maida as a grain is very processed. This is why when you touch maida and atta, maida feels a lot softer while atta is slightly coarser.
  • By the way, both atta and maida flour come from wheat grains. The key difference between the two is that while maida is made from the endosperm of the wheat grain, atta consists of the germ, endosperm, and bran of the wheat grain.
  • Simply put it, atta is less refined while maida is milled excessively and bleached and ends up as white flour. It may contain chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and alloxan which are added during the bleaching process.
  • Maida is made from the endosperm: the starchy white part of the grain. The bran is separated from the germ and endosperm which is then refined by passing through a sieve of 80 mesh per inch (31 mesh per centimeter).
  • Although naturally yellowish due to pigments present in wheat, maida is typically bleached, either naturally due to atmospheric oxygen or with any of several flour bleaching agents.
  • While it is milled from winter wheat that has a high gluten content, heat generated during the milling process results in the denaturing of the protein, limiting its use in the preparation of leavened bread.

Is Maida Good For Health

  • We can say that maida calories are kind of empty calories stripped of fiber, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. On the other hand, whole grains are complex carbohydrates rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, riboflavin, and folate.
  • Depending on how much and what kind of maida food items you’ve eaten, maida digestion time can be anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. We are aware that consuming too much-refined flour and grains leads to diseases like diabetes, PCOS, and obesity and makes us feel sluggish. We also crave more of the same refined grains to satisfy our hunger.
  • So do we eliminate refined flour from our lives? No! Moderation in moderation, please. Let’s continue to enjoy the things we love on occasion. We also have the option to make maida flour ourselves. Doing this is a better option than going for a store-bought highly refined and bleached maida powder.
  • Maida or all-purpose flour is an integral part of our lives and while we try to minimize its consumption, we cannot eliminate it from our food habits. It is there in your morning sandwich, in your momo when street food cravings set in, and in your melt-in-mouth pastry when sweet cravings are just too difficult to resist.
  • Also known as refined wheat flour, maida is a highly processed form of wheat flour that has had the bran and germ removed. However, unfortunately, this process removes many of the nutrients and fibers found in the flour, which can have many negative effects on health and regular consumption of it can lead to obesity or weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, or digestion issues like constipation, bloating, and gas.
  • Maida is also not considered good for your gut health as in lack of fiber may stick to the passage of your digestive system and cause digestive troubles. Because maida causes digestive issues many people believe that it is difficult to digest or is super-slow to digest.
  • The nutritionist says, “Maida is super easy to digest. It digests as fast as sugar and for this reason, is bad for health.”


Ques: Is maida good or bad for health?

Ans: Consuming maida also increases bad cholesterol (LDL), which can lead to several health problems like weight gain, high blood pressure, and mood swings. Consuming white flour products in excess causes weight gain, which quickly progresses to obesity. Additionally, it keeps you hungry and increases your need for sweets.

Ques: How is maida made white?

Ans: Maida is produced in factories and bleached with chemicals like “benzoyl peroxide,” a common hair dye, to make it more white. Additionally, ‘Alloxan’, a different chemical, is used with Maida to soften the flour.

Ques: Is maida a natural?

Ans: Wheat is the source of both maida and atta, which are both natural grains. However, maida goes through a lot more processing, is over-milled in factories, and is frequently bleached. Atta keeps more of the nutrients, including some protein and fiber.

Ques: Is maida junk food or not?

Ans: The refined flour known as maida has a lot of calories but little nutritious value. It is created from wheat grain, which is rich in fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium, among other components.

Ques: Is maida hard to digest?

Ans: Due to its lack of fiber and other nutrients that slow down digestion, maida is swiftly absorbed by the body. This means that foods containing maida may result in a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, which could be dangerous for those who have diabetes or insulin resistance.

Ques: Is maida stuck in intestine?

Ans: In a recent Instagram post, nutritionist Bhuvan Rastogi debunked the idea that maida is difficult to stomach. Maida is also not regarded as being excellent for the health of your gut because it lacks fiber and may stick to the passage of your digestive system, leading to digestive issues.

What are the risks of maida?

  • Results in Weight Gain
  • SMBS’s Presence.
  • Diabetes and Refined Flour.
  • Stomach Problem.
  • Nutrient Deficiency.

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